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Conntac Year in Review 2019


As 2019 draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to look back on an eventful, successful and thoroughly enjoyable 12 months.

Growth - in the office and in staff

Something that particularly preoccupied us in 2019 was the topic of growth, and it will probably continue to accompany us in 2020. The team has more than doubled again and now consists of 16 members. The premises are currently (still) unchanged and some desks are currently occupied on a daily basis. These problems, to be prescribed under "growing pains", will however abruptly disappear in the new year with our expanded premises. The office space will double, giving us more room for more innovative minds, meetings and feel-good zones.

Clients and events

A lot has happened in 2019, and so have we! We have visited our customers and many we would like to welcome as such. We have been to trade fairs and events in six different countries (Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Austria, USA) to present ourselves and our Conntac Self-Service solution, joined industry associations and got involved. Many events have come together in this way. It would be too much to list them all, but the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, where the industry leaders of the mobile world meet, the Bits and Pretzels start-up event in Munich with Barack Obama as guest speaker, but also the Hackerkiste in Augsburg, which we have been able to accompany since its founding, were very special for us. An overview of all events attended can be found in our brand new Conntac event calendar:

New website look and social media strategy

While we're on the subject of presentation, another project into which a lot of heart and soul has gone should not go unmentioned: our website at shone in new splendour in the middle of the year with a clear structure, geared towards our customers, packaged in a modern dress.

Our new social media strategy is also worth mentioning. No one has to wait for the annual review and can connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Xing and Twitter to stay up to date. There were 42 contributions from us in 2019, because there was a lot to report and that will not change in 2020. One of our last posts was about the presentation of the "Quality - Made in Augsburg" award. It is nice to know that we are also noticed where we are at home.

Best App Reviews

But of course our main focus is always on the Conntac Self-Service solution, which we are mighty proud of. To highlight one of our publications - the o2 DSL Help App powered by Conntac was rated 4.7 out of 5 stars, making it the top-rated self-service provider solution in Germany. Thank you at this point to all users who have rated us. The great feedback we receive reinforces our belief that self-service is the ultimate service to customers. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and partners for their great cooperation and trust in Conntac.

Conntac Team

As we all know, the best comes at the end and that is the Conntac team! We spent a day retreat with everyone at Conntac, discussing the current situation in a team workshop and giving everyone space to shape our future together. An external coach accompanied us in this process and the result is impressive. The workshop was a lot of fun for all of us and we developed many new approaches to push Conntac further in the new year. We then ended the year together at our Christmas party in a rustic location at Brauhaus Riegele and celebrated ourselves and our achievements.

Merry Christmas and see you next year!

With this, we say goodbye to the well-deserved Christmas holiday. We wish everyone who has accompanied and supported us in 2019 a blessed, happy holiday season, a happy new year and a successful 2020.

See you next year!

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