Online Talk entitled Call, chat and email - why you should rethink traditional contact channels now at the latest

Online Talks


Call, chat and email

Why you should rethink traditional contact channels now at the latest

Many providers believe that their technical customer service is well positioned with traditional contact channels such as calls, chat and email – but what about the growing demands of tomorrow’s customers?

When choosing a service provider, the customer experience and digital innovations in customer service play just as big a role as attractive data and price packages. Stephen Hopson, Sales Manager at Conntac GmbH, discusses the importance of automation in technical customer support in this 25-minute online talk.

Get answers to the following questions:

  • Changing customer requirements – What are the expectations of tomorrow’s customers?
  • Which benefits does automation offer in customer service?
  • How can automation be implemented quickly and what could such implementation entail, even without internal IT resources?

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Foto of Stephen Hopson
Stephen Hopson

Head of Sales UK

Online Talk entitled Call, chat and email - why you should rethink traditional contact channels now at the latest
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